
There are 6 key result types:

  • Percentage Tracked: Progress is tracked out of 100%.
  • Milestone Tracked: Progress is tracked using defined steps rather than a KPI. For example, wanting to open a new storefront. There are defined steps that need to be completed, but they are not necessarily quantitative.
  • Task Tracked: This KR type directly associates your task with the created key result so that you can track the progress of your selected tasks from the workspace via key results.
  • Increase KPI: This type of key result is used when you have a metric unit you want to increase– such as revenue.
  • Decrease KPI: This type of key result is used when you have a metric unit you want to decrease– such as the employee turnover rate.
  • Control KPI: This type of key result is used when you have a metric unit you want to keep within a certain range. For example, employee training hours– you might want to maintain between 20 and 30 per year.