OKRs are the most prominent performance management tool that helps companies build their territory exceedingly to achieve and manage their goals and target. In case of the marketing team, it is one of their most important duties to enhance their online lead generation. Also, Many marketing managers focus on increasing the number of leads generated online in order to improve site traffic. In to achieve this, they use the following metrics as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as indicators of their progress towards that goal:
1. No. of signups
Increasing the number of signups on your website by 50% will help you generate more leads.
2. Lead to deal conversion ratio
The number of leads you’re converting to deals can help you realize if you’re reaching your target audience; a lead conversion ratio of at least 10% suggests that you’re generating qualified leads.
3. No. of followers in social media
Increasing your number of social media followers will undoubtedly impact your organization’s success. For example, if you have 10,000 followers, increasing it to a number like 50,000 will positively affect brand presence, website traffic, therefore, and the increased no. of leads.
Using these units of measurement, marketing teams can then develop an OKR to improve your company’s lead generation: