
Category: DevOps OKR.

DevOps is a combination of “development” and “operations” which incorporates both agile practices and tools to increase an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services faster than traditional software development processes to be more responsive to the ever-changing consumer needs.

DevOps strives to streamline an organization’s technical execution ability to develop and improve software features, quickly and efficiently. Devops paves the way for the digital transformation of industries. Devops drives business outcomes as it transforms the way business delivers software with a constant emphasis on delivering user value.

The overall pace of software development has increased with DevOps and teams are now automating integration and testing, and deploying software in the cloud with quick timelines and continuous delivery. With DevOps, there’s more to monitor now, from integration, provisioning, to deployment, and so teams can align DevOps monitoring strategies to OKRs to effectively monitor different aspects of the project.

OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, is a goal-setting framework that can help highlight priority items in your department and organization and offer focus and alignment for teams and companies. OKRs implemented to track the success of DevOps initiatives, communicates the objectives in a consequential way to your organization.

Using OKRs to help drive progress in your DevOps department can make a huge impact in focus and productivity.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the examples of OKRs for DevOps that capture the priorities of the department as well as the key KPIs and metrics that should be kept in mind when creating quarterly targets and outlining initiatives. Read these examples, and use them as a launch point to identify your own business’s priorities and create OKRs to drive progress in your DevOps department.

#1: Sprint Planning

The purpose of sprint planning is to define what can be delivered in the sprint and how that work will be achieved. The product owner describes the objective(or goal) of the sprint and what backlog items contribute to that goal.

Objective Improve the sprint planning process
Key Result 1 Have acceptance criteria defined for at least 90% of the stories in the backlog
Key Result 2 Size the backlog items at least 3 days before sprint planning
(KPI – Lead Time for backlogs)
Key Result 3 Achieve the Sprint Goal confidence voting of at least 4


David Griffin

Improve the sprint planning process


Target Date: Q1-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Have acceptance criteria defined for at least 90% of the stories in the backlog

Q1-2022 Control-kpi1 Acceptance Criteria
0% 100% 90%


Size the backlog items at least 3 days before sprint planning

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee control kpi1 Lead Time for backlogs
0 Day(s) 5 Day(s) 3 Day(s)


Achieve the Sprint Goal confidence voting of at least 4

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee control kpi2 Sprint Goal confidence voting
0 5 4(QTD:4)


#2: Sprint Execution

The outcome of Sprint Execution is a potentially shippable product increment, formed from a list of product backlog items by meeting the team members’ definition of done. Efficiency in sprint execution leads to faster time to market.

Objective Improve sprint execution
Key Result 1 Deviation in Sprint Burndown Chart doesn’t exceed 15%
Key Result 2 Reduce carry over story points every sprint from 8 to 0 across PODs
Key Result 3 Spike stories to minimize estimation variability by 10%


David Griffin

Improve sprint execution


Target Date: Q1-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Deviation in Sprint Burndown Chart doesn’t exceed 15%

Q1-2022 Control-kpi1 Sprint Burndown
0% 23% 12%


Reduce carry over story points every sprint from 8 to 0 across PODs

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee decrease kpi1 Carry Over Story Points
8 0 5


Spike stories to minimize estimation variability by 10%

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee decrease kpi2 Estimation Variability
20% 10% 17%


#3: Tech Debt

Technical debt is the calculation of future costs attributable to known design or architectural flaws in the product that needs to be fixed. Accounting for stories gives enough time to develop code that is maintainable, extensible, or reusable that helps to reduce tech debt in the long run.

Objective Strive for technical debt neutral development
Key Result 1 Implement API led connectivity strategy for technical debt management
Key Result 2 No additional story points are added to tech debt every sprint
Key Result 3 Reduce Tech Debt Ratio (TDR) from 20% to 5%


David Griffin

Strive for technical debt neutral development


Target Date: Q1-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Implement API led connectivity strategy for technical debt management

Q1-2022 milestone-kpi1 API Led Connectivity Strategy
0% 100% 50%

55 55


No additional story points are added to tech debt every sprint

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee control kpi1 Story Points
0 2 1


Reduce Tech Debt Ratio (TDR) from 20% to 5%

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee decrease kpi2 Tech Debt Ratio
20% 5% 17%


#4: Product Development

Product development is an iterative logical process that aims to build a programmed software product to mark a unique personal or business goal, process, or objective.

Objective Improve performance of the application
Key Result 1 Reduce the LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) from 4367ms to 2500 ms
Key Result 2 Maintain FID (First input delay) to be less than 100 milliseconds
Key Result 3 Maintain CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) to be less than 0.1


David Griffin

Improve performance of the application


Target Date: Q1-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Reduce the LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) from 4367ms to 2500 ms

Q1-2022 secrease-kpi1 LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)
4367 ms 2500 ms 3639 ms


Maintain FID (First input delay) to be less than 100 milliseconds

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee control kpi1 FID (First input delay)
50 ms 200 ms 92 ms


Maintain CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) to be less than 0.1

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee controlkpi2 CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
0 1.1 0.03


#5: Code Quality

Code quality refers to the usefulness and maintainability of the code in the long term, helping to measure the efficiency of engineers and to reduce the tech debt.

Objective Make app sustainable through improved code quality
Key Result 1 Implement SonarQube for inspecting code quality by Q1
Key Result 2 Refactor legacy code in 2 modules every sprint to replace repetitive lines of code
Key Result 3 Reduce style book violations upto 20% by configuring a linter in the pipeline
Key Result 4 Maintain cyclomatic complexity of the code at less than 10


David Griffin

Make app sustainable through improved code quality


Target Date: Annual-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Implement SonarQube for inspecting code quality by Q1

Q1-2022 miolestone-kpi1 SonarQube
0% 100% 50%

55 55


Refactor legacy code in 2 modules every sprint to replace repetitive lines of code

Annual-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee control kpi1 # of modules
0 3 2


Reduce style book violations upto 20% by configuring a linter in the pipeline

Annual-2022 img-alice-assignee decrease kpi2 Style Book Violations
30% 20% 28%


Maintain cyclomatic complexity of the code at less than 10

Annual-2022 img-alice-assignee controlkpi2 Cyclomatic Complexity
0 15 7


#6:POD Velocity

Velocity is a key DevOps metric that measures the amount of work a team can deliver during a sprint.

Objective Improve POD speed without compromising on quality
Key Result 1 Minimize variability in story point estimation by 10% every sprint
Key Result 2 Reduce average defects per release from 5 to 2
Key Result 3 Achieve sprint velocity of 80 points


David Griffin

Improve POD speed without compromising on quality


Target Date: Q1-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Minimize variability in story point estimation by 10% every sprint

Q1-2022 decrease-kpi1 Variability in Story Point Estimation
20% 10% 15%


Reduce average defects per release from 5 to 2

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee decrease kpi1 Defects Per Release
5 2 4


Achieve sprint velocity of 80 points

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee increase kpi2 Sprint Velocity
0 80 11


#7: Continuous Testing

Preventing defect leakage thereby identifying bugs early in the testing phase improves the quality of the testing process to improve quality and so on.

Objective Improve testing process to reduce defect leakage
Key Result 1 Increase functional test coverage from 85% to 99% per project
Key Result 2 Increase automated testing scripts from 65% to 90% post release
Key Result 3 Decrease average mean time to identify a defect early in the testing phase from 60 mins to 30 mins


David Griffin

Improve testing process to reduce defect leakage


Target Date: Annual-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Increase functional test coverage from 85% to 99% per project

Annual-2022 increase-kpi1 Functional Test Coverage
85% 99% 92%


Increase automated testing scripts from 65% to 90% post release

Annual-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee increase kpi1 Automated Testing Scripts
65% 90% 74%


Decrease average mean time to identify a defect early in the testing phase from 60 mins to 30 mins

Annual-2022 img-alice-assignee decrease kpi2 Mean Time to Identify a Defect
60 Min(s) 30 Min(s) 53 Min(s)


#8: Continuous Integration (CI)/ Continuous Delivery/ Deployment (CD)

CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.

Objective Improve deployment process
Key Result 1 Create parallel testing environments by M1 to enable CI/CD
Key Result 2 Decrease lead time to deploy from 8 hours to 30 mins
Key Result 3 Not more than 2 queued builds during business hours
Key Result 4 Increase the capacity of pipeline to handle simultaneous deployments from 2 to 5


David Griffin

Improve deployment process


Target Date: Annual-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Create parallel testing environments by M1 to enable CI/CD

Q1-2022 miolestone-kpi1 Parallel Testing Environments
0% 100% 50%

55 55


Decrease lead time to deploy from 8 hours to 30 mins

Annual-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee decrease kpi1 Lead Time to Deploy
480 Min(s) 30 Min(s) 377 Min(s)


Not more than 2 queued builds during business hours

Annual-2022 img-alice-assignee control kpi2 Queued Builds
0 3 1


Increase the capacity of pipeline to handle simultaneous deployments from 2 to 5

Q1-2022 img-alice-assignee increase kpi2 Capacity of Pipeline
2 5 3


#9: Configuration Management

Configuration management is the process in which organizations and development teams oversee new software updates to ensure they are working as designed when bugs are fixed, new features are introduced and old features are decommissioned.

Objective Increase efficiency with a defined configuration process
Key Result 1 Proactive identification of configuration errors through 3 CMS audits
Key Result 2 Increase the frequency of physical verification of CMS contents from 1 to 3 per quarter
Key Result 3 Reduce release downtime cost from $50k to $12k


David Griffin

Increase efficiency with a defined configuration process


Target Date: Annual-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Proactive identification of configuration errors through 3 CMS audits

Annual-2022 increase-kpi1 Configuration Errors
0 3 2


Increase the frequency of physical verification of CMS contents from 1 to 3 per quarter

Q1-2022 img-roger-smith-assignee increase kpi1 CMS contents
1 3 2


Reduce release downtime cost from $50k to $12k

Annual-2022 img-alice-assignee decrease kpi2 Release Downtime Cost
$50K $12K $38.05K


#10: Release Management

Plan for OKRs that would strengthen the release management process by increasing the number of isolated releases, decreasing the number of emergency patches, and the number of rollbacks during the progress.

Objective Strengthen the release management process
Key Result 1 Decrease the downtime during each release cycle from 30 mins to 5 mins
Key Result 2 Decrease outages caused by a release from 2 to 0
Key Result 3 Decrease number of rollbacks from 3 to 0 per quarter


David Griffin

Strengthen the release management process


Target Date: Annual-2022

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon10Key Results

Decrease the downtime during each release cycle from 30 mins to 5 mins

Annual-2022 img-bertram-assignee5 decrease kpi Downtime
30 Min(s) 5 Min(s) 25 Min(s)


Decrease outages caused by a release from 2 to 0

Annual-2022 img-benny-powell-assignee6 decrease kpi15 Outages
2 0 1


Decrease number of rollbacks from 3 to 0 per quarter

Q1-2022 img-benny-powell-assignee7 decrease kpi16 Number of Rollbacks
3 0 2



While your own business’ and department’s OKRs might look a little different depending on your priorities and initiatives, these Objective and Key Results serve as a good starting point to get you thinking about the goals you have for the upcoming quarter.

When tracking key DevOps metrics, a result that seems progressing well on its own could look completely different when aligned and tracked alongside with OKRs. Careful tracking of these devops OKRs can ensure not only greater efficiency in development and production, but more importantly, its alignment to the company’s objectives, thereby leading to delighted end-user experience. Embrace DevOps OKRs, and you could see vast improvements in application deployment and feedback.

Take a look at other departments’ priorities, as well as the corporate-level goals. What role does DevOps need to play to help these goals succeed?

For more information on how to write great OKRs, and more examples in other departments, don’t forget to check out our blog! is the best OKR software to get started with your OKR journey. Signup Now



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