“[Profit.co] was instrumental in directing the business to where it’s at now and where it’s going.”
Keim Chevrolet Chooses Profit.co OKR
Regardless of the size of a company or the industry the company operates in, OKRs- or, objectives and key results- have the capacity to transform the way that a business achieves their goals. Profit.co is an intuitive and easy-to-use OKR software that combines everything a business needs to achieve more, more efficiently.
Recently, we had the chance to sit down with Joe Mullen, the fixed operations director at Keim Chevrolet, and ask him a few questions about his business’s experience with OKRs and Profit.co so far!
What is the history of OKRs at Keim Chevrolet?
Joe shared that in the past, Keim Chevrolet has tried using various different business management techniques, and was introduced to OKRs by a friend. After conducting his own research, he decided to roll it out to his management team to see what this framework could do at his company.
What was the drive behind adopting OKRs?
When companies adopt OKRs, there’s usually a specific goal they have in mind that they’re hoping to achieve with OKRs. For Joe, that goal revolved around company and team performance and productivity. Joe has found that performance management within the company has greatly improved with the use of OKRs. He shared that Profit.co “has a lot of what you’re looking for when you’re trying to manage performance. I found that everything that I was using in the past- it did it better.”
How was the implementation process?
Depending on the company, OKRs can take a quarter or two to catch on within an organization. Joe was aware of this, and decided that the best approach to rolling out OKRs was to do it slowly, so that the whole team could adapt to the framework and wholeheartedly buy into the process.
Joe shared that “The thing that’s great about OKRs is that it naturally has team participation and commitment built into it.” This helps keep employees engaged in the process and motivated to see their assigned OKRs through to the end of the quarter. Joe liked the OKR framework because of this attribute, and found that the Profit.co product helped with demonstrating how OKRs were meant to be used. “I can take [Profit.co], give it to an employee, and they get it, because they see their participation and all the things that drive an employee in it as well.”
While there is somewhat of a learning curve for employees to understand and digest how to properly use OKRs to their fullest potential. Joe definitely recognized this in his own team, and worked hard to make sure that everyone was on the same page when it came to implementing OKRs. He found that once employees “cross that bridge” of understanding OKRs, it clicks for them, and Keim Chevrolet was able to get rolling with OKRs and Profit.co.
Why did you choose Profit.co?
We wanted to find out what exactly it was that drew Joe to Profit.co for Keim Chevrolet’s OKR program. Joe shared that it was “absolutely the service.” Joe shared that he’s been able to establish a relationship with everyone he’s met in the company, and feels that they have an investment in his team’s success with OKRs and their goals. “I definitely feel that if I have a problem, I can reach out to some of the people at Profit and I’ll get an answer.”
Could you describe your experience with the Profit.co team?
Joe was also able to speak towards his conversations and contact with the Profit.co support team. “They understand the product, and they understand OKRs,” Joe shared. “They understand both of those things, and how they fit together.” Whether you are a seasoned pro or completely new to the OKR methodology, it’s important to have a team supporting you that understands OKR and is able to help you use the software to its fullest potential, but also use OKRs to their fullest potential. Joe shared that this was his experience with the Profit.co team, and with them, implementing the product was “really seamless, and it was easy.”
How has using Profit.co impacted your business?
Finally, Joe was able to share the direct ways that he has seen Profit.co impact business at Keim Chevrolet. “It was instrumental in directing the business to where it’s at now and where it’s going,” Joe told us. “I’ve used it to fix problems I’ve had for years.” Creating OKRs to target specific problems is a great way to focus resources on long-standing problems and find solutions that will last. Joe had some thoughts on this, and how Profit.co contributed to the ability to be confident in business choices and outcomes, highlighting that, “I think we’re all perfectly fine dedicating resources and time and energy and money to problems… but there’s always that thing in the back of your mind that says ‘is the execution going to pan out?’ ‘am I going to get any results?’. And this eliminates that worry.”
Bridging strategy and execution is one of the driving forces behind Profit.co’s mission, and helping businesses see positive outcomes like Keim Chevrolet’s is an important pillar that we pride ourselves on at Profit.co.
Joe was able to offer valuable insight into how he uses the product and why the software has worked for him. The main benefit he found was that dashboards and transparency settings allowed him to always see where his team was at, what they were focusing on in a given week, and what progress they were making.
Tracking OKRs on an agile software can transform your experience with the framework, and help you reap the full benefits of this powerful methodology. Companies like Keim Chevrolet have found that they are able to execute their strategy with focus and alignment by using Profit.co’s intuitive platform. To find out more about Profit.co, visit our product page, or product page, or book a free demo with us today!