Power Productivity with New Features in Profit.co:
Task Management:
- Task associated Key Result displayed alongside the Objective: Profit.co allows you to associate a key result with a task and displays the associated Objective along with the associated Key results.
Performance Management:
- Configure the numeric slider in performance reviews with range: Profit.co provides an option to enter the range (from-to) values of the numeric slider and it is customizable.
User Management:
- Assign ownership to a New manager replacing the current manager: Users can now transfer ownership/assign a new manager whenever an existing manager is terminated in the application.
- System-generated information of user creation and modification: Users now have the option to view the system-generated information of user creation and modification data.
- Export option in the Localization menu: Users can export data from Localization in XLS or CSV formats. Users can export all the data at once, or choose a different menu, and export only that specific data.
CFR – Meetings:
- Accept/Reject recurring meetings with the Yes/No option: Employees are provided with a Yes/no option that enables them to accept/reject their current and all recurring meetings planned in the future.
- Adding tasks to a meeting will create a default workspace & Board: Profit.co provides an option for employees to add tasks to a meeting. When you create a task in a meeting, a new workspace, and a board associated with the meeting’s name are created.
- Assigned owners to edit the initiatives: Profit.co now enables the assigned owners to edit the initiatives assigned to them.
UI Enhancements:
- Distribute option while assigning KR to multiple users: Users can distribute the Key Results to multiple assignees at a time using the Distribute button in the OKR list view page itself.
- Export option on Shared OKRs and Watched OKRs: Users can set apart and watch the OKRs of their subordinates and provide an option to share the OKRs with other employees within the organization.
- OKR Creation Page Improvements using Forms: The UI has been enhanced on the Objectives and Key Result creation page.
- End Date for Employee Sign-Off: While initiating a Performance Review, using the Review Scheduler we can set the end date for performing Employee Sign-Off.
- Customize Goals Check-in menu: Profit.co allows you to add custom attributes to the Goals check-in menu.
- Check-in History Improvements: The UI has been enhanced on the check-in history, Actual vs Planned check-in Page.
- Set Recurring Tasks through Task Card: Set recurring tasks within a scheduled time frame without any interventions.
- Initiatives sorted alphabetically in the Roadmaps: In the Roadmap dashboard the added Initiatives will be sorted alphabetically.
- Validating check-in Frequency while changing the OKRs target date: Users will get an alert menu if the check-in frequency dates do not match the Target Date.
Zoho CRM Integration: By using Zoho CRM Integration with Profit.co, you can update the number of leads, deals, deals amount, and activities and track the progress key result.
- GitLab Integration: By using GitLab by integrating with Profit.co you can track the status of issues in key results and track the progress.
Check out our latest blog posts!
OKR University
- Read Make Agile Work Better With OKR Goal Setting article from Profit.co to discover the benefits of aligning team objectives, fostering transparency, and promoting continuous improvement through the use of OKRs in Agile.
- Check out this article to learn more about how conducting regular retrospectives can help your team reflect on past performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions for future OKR cycles. What is an OKR Retrospective? Why is it Important?
- Personal OKRs are an adaptation of the OKR framework at an individual level to track progress toward personal and career goals and measure achievements. Learn more about it from this Profit.co article, Step-by-Step Guide for Individual Development with Personal OKRs
- Learn how OKRs can be used to align individual objectives with organizational goals, provide clear performance expectations, and support ongoing learning and development opportunities from this Profit.co article How Does OKR Enable Talent Management?
KPI Library
- The Profit.co article What are Measures and Metrics? Differences and Examples help you to gain a better understanding of the differences between measures and metrics, and how to use them effectively in your organization’s performance management strategy.
- Check out the 31 Key KPIs to Measure Your Webinar Success in 2023 blog from Profit.co to learn about the key webinar metrics to measure the effectiveness and success of your webinar, including audience engagement, conversion rates, revenue, and more.
- Discover best practices for implementing effective KPI tracking in your organization, including selecting the right KPIs, setting targets, and analyzing data to drive informed decision-making from the Profit.co’s article What are KPI Tracking and Benefits?