How to set conditional attributes for a question in a Pulse Survey template?

Category: CFR provides an option to set conditional attributes for the Pulse Survey template questions.

Why this feature?

  • By setting up conditional attributes, you can modify the survey experience for each employee depending on their replies to previous questions. This preference increases engagement and can lead to more accurate and relevant data.
  • Also, the conditional attributes help to filter and group participants based on certain criteria.
  • This personalization increases engagement and can lead to more accurate and relevant data.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → Survey from the left navigation panel. Under the Templates menu click on the  icon to modify the template.

Step 2

Let’s set a new text question “Provide a valid reason why the training hasn't been provided?” 

Set a conditional attribute from the Inspector tab that if the user selects the option “Not at all” for the previous question, “Do you feel adequate training is provided for employees?”.

Initiate a new Pulse Survey with the modified template.

Step 3

While the employee chooses the option “Not at all” for the question “Do you feel adequate training is provided for employees?”. Automatically, the question “Provide a valid reason why the training hasn't been provided?” will appear in the survey form.

Step 4:

You can now Clone the necessary attributes in the Master Layout, which saves time and enhances efficiency, allowing teams to focus more on strategic tasks instead of repetitive actions.

Also, you can customize your values and rearrange the options by dragging and dropping them based on your preferences.

Related Blog Post

To learn about the process of creating a new Pulse Survey template, click here.

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