What are Anomalies in OKRs, and how do they work?

Category: General

In OKRs, anomalies help identify discrepancies that may indicate potential problems or failures early on, allowing organizations to take corrective actions before they escalate. You can easily view anomalies in a snapshot on Profit.co's home page.

Why this feature?

  • Anomalies can signal potential issues or failures early, allowing for timely corrective actions.
  • Early intervention allows teams to stay on track and meet their objectives, ensuring that key initiatives are not derailed by unforeseen problems.
  • Identifying anomalies helps understand the root causes of unexpected changes in data patterns, leading to more informed decisions.

Anomalies in OKRs

Anomalies in OKRs occur when there is a discrepancy between the confidence level and the planned and actual values. If these values don't align, the key result falls under the anomalies category.

To enable the Anomalies rules, navigate to Settings → OKRs → Dashboards → Anomaly Rule.

Conditions for Identifying Anomalies

Anomalies are identified under the following conditions:


Example (works in the following scenarios)

Progress < 100%, but KR is 'Completed'

KR - Revamp 30 existing YouTube videos with the latest features for Q3,2024
Target (Q3,2024) - 30 Videos
Plan for this week - 20
  • No progress, but the status is marked as 'Completed.'
  • 20 videos were completed, but the status is marked as 'Completed.'
  • 22 videos completed, but the status is marked as 'Completed.'

Progress > 0%, but KR is 'Not Started'

KR - Improve localization by publishing 10 new feature videos for Q3,2024
Target (Q3,2024) - 10 Videos
Plan for the present week - 7
  • Completed 3 videos, but the status is marked as 'Not Started.'
  • Completed all 7 videos, but the status is marked as 'Not Started.'
  • Completed 8 videos, but the status is marked as 'Not Started.'

Progress is way off from plan, but KR is 'On Track'

KR - Improve the customer experience by increasing the number of FAQ posts from 200 to 500

Target (Q3,2024) - 500 answer post

Plan for the present week - 398


No progress was made for the present week, but the status of the KR was marked as 'On Track.'

Progress Matches Plan, but Status is "At Risk"

KR - Generate at least 300 product signups/week
The goal was to achieve 198 signups, and we successfully secured 198, but the Key Result was still marked as 'At Risk.'

Progress Matches Plan, but Status is "In Trouble"

KR - Generate at least 50 demos per week through the website


That week, we planned to complete 33 demos and did complete 33, but the status of the KR was marked as 'In Trouble.'

To View Anomalies in Profit.co

Navigate to the Home page. In the Snapshot widget, you will see the anomalies related to your KR progress.

Corrective Actions to Address and Rectify Anomalies in OKRs

To rectify anomalies in Profit.co and ensure that your Key Results (KRs) are accurately tracked, here are the specific corrective actions you can take:

1. Progress < 100%, but KR is 'Completed'

Corrective Action:

Reevaluate Completion Criteria: Verify the criteria used to mark the KR as 'Completed.' Ensure all tasks and deliverables have been met.

Update KR Status: Adjust the status to 'In Progress' if the KR is not fully complete. Alternatively, review and update the progress percentage to reflect any remaining work.

Rectification Steps: Engage with the responsible team members to confirm the completion status. If the KR is mistakenly marked as 'Completed,' correct the status and communicate the accurate progress.

2. Progress > 0%, but KR is 'Not Started'

Corrective Action:

Assess Initial Progress: Confirm that any initial work done on the KR is correctly documented and reported.

Update the Status: Change the KR status from 'Not Started' to 'In Progress' to accurately reflect ongoing activities.

Rectification Steps: Review the KR history to understand when the progress began, and ensure the responsible parties are providing timely updates moving forward.

3. Progress is Way Off from Plan, but KR is 'On Track'

Corrective Action:

Analyze the Discrepancy: Compare the planned progress with actual progress to identify why there’s a significant deviation.

Adjust the KR Status: Change the status to 'At Risk' or 'In Trouble' if the KR is not genuinely on track.

Rectification Steps: Hold a meeting with the team to discuss the root cause of the discrepancy. Develop a recovery plan, including timeline adjustments, resource allocation, or process changes to realign with the plan.

4. Progress Matches Plan, but Status is 'At Risk'

Corrective Action:

Investigate Underlying Risks: Determine why the KR is marked as 'At Risk' despite matching the planned progress. Look for external factors, dependencies, or resource constraints that might justify the status.

Mitigate the Risk: Address the underlying risks by reallocating resources, revising timelines, or implementing contingency plans.

Rectification Steps: Work with stakeholders to mitigate the identified risks. If the risks are manageable, update the status to reflect a more accurate picture (e.g., 'On Track').

5. Progress Matches Plan, but Status is 'In Trouble'

Corrective Action:

Examine External Factors: Look into external pressures, potential bottlenecks, or other issues causing the KR to be 'In Trouble' despite progress being on target.

Implement Corrective Actions: Take immediate action to address the issues causing concern. This may involve bringing in additional resources, revising the scope, or addressing team challenges.

Rectification Steps: Monitor the situation closely and hold regular check-ins to ensure that the KR moves out of the 'In Trouble' status. Once stabilized, update the status to a more appropriate level.

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