How do you enable Extension for a KPI?
Category: KPIs
You enable extension as part of defining a KPI. You should also enable aggregation in order to get the aggregated value. Currently, there are two types of aggregation functions offered by
- Sum
- Average
You must be a super user to perform this task.
For instance, Let's say at the corporate level of Facebook, they have an objective Grow Users with one of the Key Results “Increase MAU from 0 to 600M by December 2020”. And this key result is essentially distributed down to departmental or team or individual OKRs:
Facebook Department - Increase Facebook MAU from 0 to 200M by December 2020
Instagram Department - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 250M by December 2020
Mobile Team - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 100M by December 2020
Benny Powel - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 25M by March 2020
John Salazar - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 5M by March 2020
This is modeled and shown in the picture below.
Step 1:
Click the Settings tab of your left navigation panel and then click OKRs -> KPIs -> KPIs by category.
Step 2:
Click on the Create button. A side panel will open.
Step 3:
Select the KPI Category from the drop-down menu and enter a name for your KPI. Then move the toggle to the right for the Aggregate button to enable aggregate function.
Step 4:
From the Aggregation type, you can select a sum or average. Let’s select sum as we need the total sum value, and from the Aggregation scope, you can select aligned OKRs - all or aligned OKRs - next level. Let's select the next level to aggregate from immediate children. Let’s create Facebook MAU
Select the KPI Category from the drop-down menu and enter a name for your KPI. Then enable the Aggregate toggle.
Now enable the toggle for Extends? And click on the search icon to select the extended KPI.
Let’s select Overall MAU.
Once you add an extended KPI, the KR type and measurement type will automatically be inherited from the extended KPI.
Note: Follow the same procedure to create Instagram MAU.
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