How does the two Progress calculations for the Control KPI key result work in
Category: KPIs has progress calculation methods for the control KPI. Successful check-ins(target achieved) divided by total number of check-ins and Distance from the target, as of the check-in date.
Why this feature?
By using this feature the key result can be progressed based on the successful or unsuccessful check-in values and for Distance from the target, as of the check-in date based on the distance of the successful check-in and here all the check-in will be considered.

In this type of progression, the successful check-ins will be taken into consideration. The Progress will happen and the final calculation will be based on the number of successful check-ins .
The progress Calculation formula is,
“Successful check-ins(target achieved) / total no. of check-ins for the given target period”
For example, We have a Key result to Maintain Customer Engagement Score in between 4 to 5
If the key result is created in a quarter with the check-in frequency of Every Friday. The total number of check-ins will be 13.
So each successful weekly check-in will hold 7.69% progress.
Let's consider the check-ins happening in the table below
Distance from the target, as of the check-in date.
In this type of progression, All the check-ins will be taken into consideration whether the check-in is successful or unsuccessful. The Progress will happen based on the distance from the target value.
Note: In this case, the 13th week progress will be the final Progress.
Scenario 1 for value type ‘at most’
The progress Calculation formula is,
100 + ( Target Value - Check-in Value) / Target value * 100
For example, We have a Key result to Maintain the Cost Per Click at most at $1
Assuming this scenario, the following table shows how the progress calculation works in the scenario. As said earlier, here the 13th week progress will be the final Progress.
Scenario 2 for value type ‘at least’
The progress Calculation formula is,
100 - ( Target Value - Check-in Value) / Target value * 100
For example, We have a Key result to Publish 5 blog post every week
Assuming this scenario, the following table shows how the progress calculation works
Related Answer Post:
To learn more about how to calculate the Average/Sum cumulative value for the Control KPI Key Result, click here.
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