How can I attach documents as part of my check-ins?

Category: OKRs allows users to attach documents as a part of their check-ins. 

Why this feature?

During check-ins, you may have the need to attach documents that provide evidence or records to the check-ins that you perform. As a sign of progress and to record every check-in detail, this feature has been implemented. You can attach a collection of files, documents, and links to both Objectives and Key Results.

Step 1

Navigate to All My OKRs, and select the name of the Objective for which you need to attach the documents.

Step 2

Select the Documents tab in the OKR menu. Click on the Add icon, and select From Computer, to attach documents from your device.

Step 3

A pop-up window will appear, select the document you want to attach and click on Open.

The selected file will be added to your list of Documents.

Note: The document will be added with the information of document size, uploaded time and date, and user who uploaded the document.

To add links to your OKR documents, follow the steps below.

Step 1

Select the Documents tab in the OKR menu. Click on the Add icon, and select Add Link from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

An Add Link pop-up panel will appear, paste the URL and name the link, and select Add.

The link will be added to your Documents list.

Note: The link will be added with the information of the user who uploaded the document, the uploaded time and the date.

Related Blog Post

To learn more about how to create notes for a key result, click here.

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