How can I re-assign my tasks to others?

Category: OKRs

In, you can assign tasks to other employees or to your team members and associate them with key results. During the process, You can also re-assign the tasks that have been already rejected.

Why this feature?

If the assigned tasks get rejected, you can re-assign them to the same person or to some of your other teammates. Instead of just keeping the task in the pending list, you can now reassign tasks to show the progress without any delay.

Step 1:

Navigate to Home → Action Center from the left navigation panel.

Step 2:

In the Right panel of the Action Center page. Click on the Tasks dropdown and choose the Assigned Tasks option.

Step 3:

For Instance, Let’s say David Griffin has assigned a task create 3 blogs to Allice Mills and Allice Mills rejects that task. David Griffin can view that rejected task in the Action center with the Reassign/Close option.

Step 4:

He Clicks on the Reassign option to reassign the task to others.

Once he clicks on the Reassign option, the Task Reassignment window will open, Here he can choose the employee to assign that task. He can click on the Select button of the employee to whom he wants to assign that task. Here he selects Virginia Powell to reassign the task.

Once he clicks on the Select button, the selected employee will get notified in the Action Center with the Accept/Reject option.

Here Virginia Powell accepts the task, and it is added to the My Space: My Tasks page of Virginia Powell.

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