How do I Disable Sync from Sub Key Results in
Category: OKRs allows the admin to decide whether to Disable or Enable the synchronization of scores by default, during the check-in progress.
Why this feature?
- This feature provides an option to Disable sync from Sub Key results via Settings.
- This option can be configured in check-in propagation in the OKRs Alignments and Dependencies menu.
- The check-in progress at the sub key results will not propagate to the parent key result level.
Note: Only Super Users and HR Admins can Disable sync from Sub Key Result.
How to Disable Sync from Sub Key Results?
Step 1
Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Authoring from the left navigation panel and switch to the Check-ins tab.
On the check-ins page, scroll down to Synchronization of Score and Select Allow users to decide, but disable sync by default.
Step 2
After selecting the changes will be applicable for newly created key results/ sub key results. By default, it will not impact the existing setup.
Related Answer Post
To learn about How to create Sub Key results, click here.
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