How do I distribute weightage to sub-key results?
Category: OKRs provides an option to distribute weights among the subkey results.
Why this feature?
- While creating subkey results you can distribute the key result to multiple assignees at a time using the Distribute feature in
- By doing so you can create sub-key results, assign multiple assignees, and distribute weightage to each key result.
Note: To perform the following action you need to enable Allow users to define weights for key results within an OKR toggle via Settings → OKRs → Authoring→ KeyResult
Step 1
Under a key result, you will find an option to add a new sub-key result.
Create sub-key results by distributing a key result and assigning it to multiple assignees using the Distribute option.
Now the key results have been distributed, you can now click on the Distribute and Create Key results button.
The Sub Key Result is now distributed among the selected employees.
Note: If the % DISTRIBUTION is less than 100, the users will be notified by an indication stating, "Numbers don’t add up but still you can continue," which means your progress will not be affected, either the % DISTRIBUTION is less than or more than 100
Related Answer Post
To learn the process of creating the Sub Key Results click here.
To learn the process of calculating the check-in progress for subkey results click here.
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