How do I download OKR Progress Presentation in ?
Category: OKRs provides an option to download your OKR Progress Presentation.
Why this feature?
- The main use of this feature is to Download your progress report for the week or quarter periods with a single click, instead of preparing it manually.
- This feature helps you to save time and get ready with a presentation within a minute.
Step 1
To access the OKR Progress presentation you should enable the OKR Progress Presentation toggle from Settings → OKRs→ Views left navigation panel.
Note: Only super users have access to Settings.
Note: You can customize the OKR Progress Presentation and choose the required template (OKR List, OKR List with Check-in Charts, and OKR Table). Additionally, you can view your check-in comments in the OKR List with check-in Charts template. When selecting this template, you can download your presentation along with the check-in comments
Step 2
To prepare a presentation on the OKR progress of the Sales department, navigate to OKRs from the left navigation panel.
Click on the Department name and then click the presentation icon. a drop-down will appear where you can select the required one.
Step 3
In the OKR Progress Presentation, fill in the required detail.
You can also add speaker notes to your presentation by enabling the Speaker Notes toggle.
You will be provided with a list of notes that you can add.
You can also select multiple periods by clicking on the Period option.
After entering all the required information, click Download.
- You have the option to select your preferred presentation style from the OKR progress presentations.
- In the OKR Progress Presentation, the OKR List and OKR List with Check-in Charts now support selecting Key Results and the Sub-KR hierarchy.
Step 4
The OKR Progress presentation will be downloaded for the respective department that you select.
Note: You can see the OKR score on the downloaded presentation.
Related Answer Post
To learn more about End of Quarter Presentation, click here.
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