How do I enable Multi Assignee in KR Assignment?

Category: OKRs provides the option to assign key results to multiple assignees.

Why this feature?

When the owner of the key result wants to assign the key result to multiple users in order to let them all work together on a single target, then the multiple assignee option can be used. The  progress can be made simultaneously, and the check-in progress will reflect on all sides.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Alignments from the left navigation panel. On the Alignments page, under the Other Options menu, enable the Multiple Owners toggle

Step 2

Once you enable the multiple assignee toggle, when you try to create a key result, you can assign your key result to multiple assignees by selecting from the list.

Related Blog Post

To learn about the process of distributing subkey results, click here.

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