How do I export all the OKRs?
Category: OKRs
You can export all the OKRs and can view them in a printed format.
Why this feature?
- By exporting OKRs, organizations can analyze and learn from their results, continuously improving their strategies and achieving better outcomes over time.
- You can export OKRs in.csv format to maintain the records. Also, you can have them in printed format for discussions, problem-solving and decision-making.
Step 1
Navigate to OKRs from the left navigation panel.
Click on the More option, and choose Export to export the required OKRs.
A pop-up will appear stating that your data export request is being processed.
Note: The Cancel option in the Export history enables users to halt the downloading process of files in progress.
You can export all the OKRs into a CSV file.
Note: Before downloading the report if you have set any weights and also if you have enabled OKR Ranking. You’ll be getting the information on both weightage and ranking in the report file. We will get the same information if you have enabled it in all other OKR types.
Related Answer Post
To learn about the OKR check-in report, click here.
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