How do I share a Milestone template with others?

Category: OKRs provides an option to share the Milestone Template with others.

Why this feature?

  • provides an option to share the Milestone Template with others. Sharing a Milestone Template with others promotes efficiency and collaboration.
  • It allows teams to follow a standardized format for documenting and tracking milestones, ensuring clear communication and ultimately leading to improved project execution and successful outcomes.

Step 1

Navigate to OKRs for which you want to create a Key result from the left navigation panel. 

Click on + Add new key result and choose Using Form option.

Step 2

Choose the Key Result type as Milestone Sequence and you can choose the required Milestone Sequence. 

You can also create your own sequence by clicking the + icon. 

Enter the Sequence Name, and click the Share Template checkbox to share the newly created Milestone Template with others.


Note: When creating a key result with Milestone Sequence, other users can easily access and use the shared template.

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