How the confidence percentage is calculated in Key Result for getting overall Objective Progress?

Category: OKRs

In, the status of an objective is calculated by the average value of the confidence percentage of the status of the Key Result. 

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Statuses from the left navigation panel.

On the Statuses page, you can find different Color Codes and Confidence %’s for the Status Name.

The confidence percentage for all Statuses mentioned in the above image has been listed below in a table format,



Not Started

0% - 9%

In Trouble

10% - 29%

At Risk

30% - 89%

On Track

90% - 99%





Step 2

For instance, let’s calculate the confidence percentage of an OKR.

Consider this OKR has three Key Results, 

The First Key Result is in the status "In Trouble".

The Second Key Result is in the status "On Track" .

The third Key Result is in the status “At Risk” .

The Confidence percentage for ”In Trouble” is 10%,  "On Track" is 80%, and for "At Risk" is 30%.

Hence, 10 + 80 + 30 = 120.

No.of Key Results = 3.

Therefore, 120/3 = 40.

The "Objective Level Value" is 40%. It’s not greater than or equal to 50% and also at the same time it’s not lesser than or equal to 30%.

So the Objective Status is "At Risk"

Related Answer Post

To learn more about the process of Statuses, click here.

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