How to add assigned key results to other objectives?
Category: OKRs provides an option to add the assigned key results in your department to add other relevant objectives.
Why this feature?
- Allows teams to link related key results to multiple objectives, ensuring seamless collaboration and unified efforts toward achieving organizational goals.
- Reduces duplication of work by aligning existing key results with relevant objectives, maximizing impact, and saving time.
Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Alignments from the left navigation panel and enable the Allow user to add assigned key results into their OKR toggle in the Top Down Alignment approach.
Consider the CEO has assigned a key result to the customer success team to decrease the churn rate.
Meanwhile, the head of the customer success team is working on an initiative called "Delight Customers."
While progressing with this initiative, they realize that the key result assigned by the CEO also aligns with their initiative's goals.
To ensure better alignment and efficiency, the head of the customer success team decides to add the CEO's key result to their "Delight Customers" initiative, integrating the two efforts to work toward a common objective.
Follow the below steps to add to OKR:
Step 1
To add the assigned key result, click on the More option in the key result and select the "Add to OKR" option.
Step 2
Select the Objective to which you want to add the assigned key result and click Update.
The assigned key result will be added to the selected objective, as shown in the below image.
Note: The progress made on this key result will result in progressing to the added objective as well as the parent objective.
Related Answer Post
To learn more about how to move the Key Results and Sub-Key Results within the same Objective, click here.
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