How to check-in for future Quarter Key Results ?

Category: OKRs provides an option to check-in for the future quarter key results.

The main use of this feature is to show progress in the key results for the forthcoming check-in date.

Step 1:

For instance, let’s check-in for the Key Result “Publish 25 blog on for human resources audience”.


If the progress value is 15 for the current check-in date 15th Oct 2021 and if you want to check-in for the forthcoming check-in date you’ll also be getting the next check-in date in the same row. Here 22nd Oct 2021 is the next date for the check-in.

Step 2:

Let's say that you want to update the value as 18 and you checked-in for the forthcoming date. And later, if you try to update the value once again. You’ll be getting an alert message saying that you have already checked-in. But you can still edit the checked-in value.

Edit Check-in value

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