How to edit each check-in value in the check-in history for key results ?

Category: OKRs

You can now edit each check-in that you make in your key results via the list of check-ins listed under the history tab in your key result overview page in

Why this feature?

  • Enables teams to ensure that the historical record accurately reflects the true progress made over time.
  • Any inaccuracies or errors in previous check-ins can be corrected to provide a more precise representation of achievements.

Step 1

Click on the View Details button of the key result for the check-in you want to edit.

On the Key Result Overview page, under the History section, click on the edit icon  of the check-in you want to edit.

In the edit check-in pop-up, make the necessary changes.

The edited check-in will be updated, and the changes updated in the check-ins will be reflected in the key result.

Note: When a parent Key Result has sub-key results, the system will display a note in the history indicating "The Key Result has contributing Key Results" and it will also show the sub-key results that have not been checked in yet.

Related Answer Post

To learn more about the process for doing check-in for Key Result, click here.

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