How to freeze/restrict the past quarter check-ins on OKRs?

Category: OKRs provides an option to stop check-ins for the key results, which are present in the past quarters.

Why this Feature?

Previously the users were able to make check-ins for the key results present in the Past Quarter. But now the Super Users can be able to control the users by enabling the option in the OKR Periods menu.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Periods from the left navigation menu.


Disable the toggle for the option Allow past period check-ins.


Step 2

we are now in the quarter Q3 2022 and if any Profit user tries to make check-ins for the key result in the period Q2 2022.


We cannot make the check-in and we will be getting a caution message that You are not allowed to do the check-in for this target period. Please contact the Admin.

Note: Even if the periods are present in the custom range for a key result we will be getting the same warning message.


Related Blog Post

To learn the process of OKR periods, click here.

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