What is Department Heatmap ?
Category: OKRs
Profit. co provides a better user experience by helping customers to view the reports for analyzing the OKRs and their progress department-wise.
Why this feature?
- The Department heatmap feature enables you to view the Organization’s performance in a highly visual and intelligible way.
- The department heatmap displays the OKR progress by departments.
- Heatmaps make it easy to visualize complex data and understand it at a glance. We are going to provide an option to generate a heatmap dashboard for department OKRs.
Step 1
Navigate to OKRs → All OKRs from the left navigation menu.
On the All OKRs page, select the Departments' OKRs from the dropdown menu. Under the OKR View section, click on the Department Heatmap icon.
Note: On the Department heatmap page, the department OKRs will be displayed based on the Period chosen.
Step 2
Users can click on a specific department to view its progress.
For instance, Let’s select the Marketing Department.
Related Blog Post
To learn more about Department OKRs progress, click here.
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