How to add colors and group boxes in 9 box matrices?
Category: Performance now allows you to add colors to the 9 box matrices and group boxes in order to group employees based on their position in the box.
Why this feature?
- This feature allows you to add colors and customize the 9 Box matrices, by adding colors to the groups you can easily differentiate between them and get better visualization and layout.
- It Enhances visual clarity, simplifies differentiation, and improves 9 Box matrix usability.
Note: Only Super Users have access to Settings.
Step 1
Navigate to Settings → Performance → Dashboard from the left navigation panel. The 9 Box Matrix page is the default landing page.
On the 9 Box Matrix page, click on the Edit icon of the required 9 Box Matrix.
Step 2
In the Custom page, scroll down and enable the Grouping toggle.
Enter the required Group Name, pick a Color from the palette, and click on the tick mark to Save.
Step 3
To create another group, click on the + Add Group button, give a name for the group, and Save.
Step 4
To add the grouping elements to the matrix, click on the + Add matrix button, and select the groups from the list.
Now the grouping is done and you can see it in the 9 box matrices layout
Related Answer Post
To know more about How to customize 9 box matrices in, click here.
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