How to enable Overall rating in Performance Review and what is the use of it?
Category: Performance provides an option to enable/disable the toggle for the Overall rating while performing the self-assessment.
Why this feature?
- In Self Assessment Overall Rating is calculated as an average of the rating on each goal.
- Once this is enabled then the overall rating option will be displayed in the self-assessment and the score will display the average of the goals given by the individual.
- This option will be enabled for both the standard and affinity level reviews
Step 1
Navigate to Settings → Performance from the left navigation panel, and switch to the Review Templates tab.
Click on the Edit icon of the Review template you want to make the changes to.
Step 2
Switch to the Review Process tab, and click on the icon to edit the Self Assessment menu.
Enable the toggle overall rating under the "Performance Review Assessment includes" section.
After enabling the toggle close the Self Assessment menu and click Update.
Step 2
When a user performs a self-assessment the Overall Rating progress bar will be reflected.
Also when the manager performs the assessment the Overall Rating progress bar will be reflected.
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