How do I initiate a Review?
Category: Performance provides an option to initiate a new review to the employees present in the organization.
Why this feature?
- This feature helps the managers and the top management assess the employee's performance concerning their roles and responsibilities in the organization.
- Providing employees with valuable feedback on their work, leading to increased motivation and job satisfaction.
Step 1
Navigate to Performance → HR Administration from the left navigation panel, switch to the Reviews tab and click on the + Initiate Review button.
Step 2
An Initiate Review side panel will appear. Select the Review Templates, and Q&A Templates for the review.
Provide a Review Title, Period, and the Access List for the review
Select the Joined Before date and the Review Scope within the organization.
Note: Users can now add custom fields to the review initiation process.
Enable the Add Peer Reviewers toggle if you wish to include peer assessments and select a suitable option per organizational needs.
Step 3
In the Scheduler Options, set the specific date to Auto Close the review. You can also set additional Grace Days to complete the assessment.
The Review Level and End Date for the review participants can be configured.
Once you click on the Proceed button a popup window will appear.
You can initiate the review by either selecting 'Schedule for Later' or 'Initiate Now'.
Note: In the performance assessment, you have the flexibility to assign different dates for each assessment. Once you set a date for the self-assessment, you can schedule the manager assessment for the same date or any date thereafter.
The initiated Review will be added to the Performance Reviews page.
Related Answer Post
To learn more about the process of 360 assessment, click here.
Related Blog Posts
To learn more about How to document an Employee Performance Review, click here.
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