How to set initiators for Pulse Surveys?
Category: Performance provides an option to set initiators for the Pulse Survey.
Why this feature?
- Ensures that only authorized individuals can launch surveys.
- Helps HR or managers trigger surveys when needed for better employee engagement.
- Prevents unauthorized or unnecessary survey initiations, streamlining feedback collection.
The Survey Admin can initiate the Pluse Survey.
To add the Survey admin follow the below steps:
Navigate to Settings → User Management from the left navigation panel.
On the Active Users page, click on the specific user to whom you want to grant Survey admin access.
Click on the Edit button and scroll down to the Access Information section. Click on the + Add Roles button, select the Survey module in the app-specific tab, choose the Survey Admin role, and click on the Add button
Finally, click on the Update button.
The user will now have access to initiate the Pluse Survey.
Related Blog Post
To learn the process of completing a pulse survey, click here.
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