
Category: KPIs Library.


Forbes states that 70 percent of employees would consider leaving their current job for another organization that would invest in their development and training. Considering today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, organizations strive to provide exceptional customer experiences to gain a competitive edge. So how are they going to achieve it? One crucial factor that significantly the customer success team can focus on is the effective training of employees. By investing in the right training hours metric, companies can empower their employees with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional service and support. And goals setting tools like OKRs can help you deliver such metrics effectively.

In this blog, we will explore the training hours metric and its profound impact on customer success.

Definition of Average Training Hours

Average Training Hours means the total training hour divided by the total number of employees taking part in the training. This KPI helps you to know the time investment in training at an individual level. It also helps the management to review the increase in productivity against the time invested. By quantifying training hours, organizations can assess the resources allocated to training, monitor progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs.

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Formula for Average Training Hours

Average Training Hours calculates the total training hour divided by the total number of employees taking part in the training.

Average Training Hours = Total training hours / Number of employees participating

Example of Average Training Hours

According to the formula, let’s see how an organization calculates the monitored training hours of a group of employees over a month. Let’s say that 30 employees participated in the training program that was organized for 20 hours each.

Let’s calculate the Average Training Hours for the group of employees based on the given information.

Number of employees participating in training: 30

Training hours per employee: 20

Total training hours = Number of employees * Training hours per employee

Total training hours = 30 * 20 = 600

Average Training Hours = Total training hours / Number of employees participating

Average Training Hours = 600 / 30 = 20

Therefore, the Average Training Hours for the group of 30 employees over the month is 20 hours.


Employees cannot become more productive in every sense of the word unless they are provided with continuous on-the-job training.

Gregory Balestrero

How to Promote Training Hours KPI in Your Workplace?

You can promote Average Training Hours in your workplace by implementing the right strategies and promoting efficiencies, engagement, and productivity. Here are the lists of strategies that you can use.

Set clear goals & expectations

Define the objectives and outcomes expected from training sessions. By providing a clear roadmap, participants can understand the purpose and value of the training, which can motivate them to invest more time and effort.

Offer flexible training options

Give them options to undergo training in a variety of mediums like in-person sessions, online courses, webinars, or microlearning modules. Offering flexibility allows participants to choose the format that suits their learning preferences and schedules, increasing the likelihood of their participation.

Gamify the training process

Introduce gamification elements, such as points, badges, leaderboards, or challenges, to make the training experience more enjoyable and competitive. Gamification can foster engagement, healthy competition, and a sense of achievement, which can motivate individuals to invest more time in training.

Foster a supportive learning environment

Create a supportive and inclusive environment where participants feel comfortable asking questions, sharing their opinions, and collaborating with others. Encourage peer learning, mentorship programs, or discussion forums to facilitate knowledge sharing and engagement.

Provide incentives and rewards

Recognize and reward individuals who actively participate and invest additional hours in training. This can be in the form of certificates, bonuses, promotions, or other tangible or intangible incentives. Incentives can motivate individuals to go the extra mile and dedicate more time to their training.

Continuous feedback and evaluation

Implement regular feedback mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the training program and gather insights from participants. Actively listen to their suggestions and make improvements based on their feedback. When participants see their input is valued, they are more likely to engage further.

Measuring the Impact of Training Hours

To understand the impact of training hours on customer success, organizations can utilize various metrics, such as customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), customer retention rates, and average response and resolution times. By analyzing these metrics before and after implementing training programs, companies can gauge the effectiveness of their training initiatives and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

If you are looking for ways to gauge the impact of training hours on customer success try using OKRs, a goal-setting methodology that would help you to build your business strategy with the next level execution ideas.

Here is a small glimpse into how you can start implementing OKRs in your organization to measure the Average Training Hours KPI.

Objective: Implement an employee training program to enhance customer success

Keyresult 1: Certify 40 employees in customer success-related courses

Initiatives: Highlight the benefits of certification and group employees depending on the training needs and timing, so that the targeted 30 employees find it easy to complete the certification course on time, let’s say in 45 days.

Keyresult 2: Conduct 5 training workshops for employees on customer success best practices & techniques

Initiatives: Define the objective of the workshop and select 5 different topics after a brainstorming session with the teammates, and decide on a date and time considering the availability of the guest speakers, and preferably, leaders in the area of the topic you decide on. Ensure the team participates by segregating workshop duties among them and having a follow-up quiz later to evaluate the employees.

Keyresult 3: Achieve a minimum of 2 hours of employee training per week

Initiatives: Slowly increase the training hours by making sure that the teams are interested in participating by understanding the value of the training. Encourage them with mind-blowing activities, and promise awards commemorating participation and enthusiasm. Show them what they have achieved after training by monitoring their performance at work.

Try implementing the above-mentioned OKRs if you wish to use Training Hours KPI in your organization to motivate your employees towards excellence. Once you install OKRs and start using customer success KPIs, make sure to process OKR feedback to make your OKRs successful.


In a customer-centric business landscape, investing in the training hours metric is essential for achieving customer success. By empowering employees with knowledge, skills, and confidence, organizations can elevate the customer experience, improve customer satisfaction, and foster long-term loyalty. A well-executed training program directly impacts the bottom line by enhancing customer retention, fostering brand advocacy, and unlocking new revenue opportunities.

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