
Category: OKR Examples, Human Resource OKRs.

HR is a critical business function that recruits and nurtures the most precious resource of the organization – its people. HR plays a vital role in establishing the culture of the organization by ensuring the right people are recruited, treating employees & alumni as valuable resources, creating an inclusive environment to retain valuable diverse talent, designing a performance management system that values outcome, teamwork, and collaboration. CEOs look at the CHRO as a valuable partner in their quest to create a high-performance team.

#1: Employee Onboarding Team OKRs

objective icon1Objective

David Griffin

Develop a World-Class Employee Onboarding Program


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon1Key Results

Improve onboarding employee satisfaction score after onboarding from 75% to 95%

Q3-2020 increase kpi1 Onboarding Employee Satisfaction Score
75% 95% 83%


Reduce new hire 30-days failure rate from 10% to 5%

Annual-2020img-roger-smith-assignee1 decrease kpi1 New Hire 30-Days Failure Rate
10% 5% 9%


Increase the percentage of employees achieving at least 0.8 Score in productivity assessment by managers from 60% to 85%

Q3-2020img-alice-assignee1 increase kpi2 Productivity Assessment Score
60% 85% 77%


#2: Employee Wellness Team OKRs

objective icon2Objective

David Griffin

Establish a Wonderful Employee Wellness Program


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon2Key Results

Organize 6 mental health & wellbeing activities per quarter

Q3-2020img-jack-assignee1 increase kpi3 Employee Wellness Activity
0 6 2


Enroll at least 80% of team members in the employee wellness program

Q3-2020 control kpi1 Employee Wellness Activity
40% 120% 60%


Conduct 3 physical fitness sessions per month (Cardio/Gym/Yoga)

Q3-2020img-benny-powell-assignee1 increase kpi4 Employee Wellness Activity
0 3 2


Reduce absenteeism due to sick leave from 2500 person days to 1500 person days

Q3-2020img-alice-assignee2 decrease kpi2 Sick Leave
2500 1500 2126


#3: Compensation and Benefits Team OKRs

objective icon3Objective

David Griffin

Improve Compensation and Benefits Competitiveness


Target Date: Annual-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Increase salary competitiveness ratio (SCR) from 0.8 to 1.2

Annual-2020img-adams-assignee1 increase kpi5 Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR)
0.8 1.2 0.9


Increase salary competitiveness ratio for stars from 1.2 to 1.75

Annual-2020img-bertram-assignee1 increase kpi6 Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR)
1.2 1.75 1.3


Increase employee satisfaction (ESAT) score in annual surveys on compensation and benefits Plan from 50% to 75%

Annual-2020 increase kpi7 ESAT
50% 75% 66%


#4: HR Compliance Team OKRs

objective icon4Objective

David Griffin

Ensure Adequate HR Compliance


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon4Key Results

Achieve 90% or above rating in quarterly HR compliance audit

Q3-2020img-bertram-assignee2 control kpi2 Compliance Rating
45% 135%



Resolve 95% of HR compliance related complaints in under 2 business days

Q3-2020img-benny-powell-assignee2 control kpi3 Complaint Resolution
47% 143%



100% of new hires to get a passing grade in HR compliance policy quiz within 1 week of hire

Q3-2020img-adams-assignee2 control kpi4 % of New Hires
50% 150% 97%


#5: Training and Development Team

objective icon5Objective

David Griffin

Improve Training for Frontline Employees


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon5Key Results

Achieve 100% course completion rate for frontline employees

Q3-2020img-roger-smith-assignee2 control kpi5 Course completion rate
50% 150%



90% of Employees achieve pass scores at the end of training quiz

Q3-2020img-jack-assignee2 control kpi6 Pass Score
50% 150%



Increase training satisfaction score from 70% to 90%

Q3-2020img-alice-assignee3 increase kpi8 Training Satisfaction Score
70% 90% 80%


#6: Diversity Team OKRs

objective icon6Objective

David Griffin

Improve Inclusion and Diversity


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon6Key Results

100% Completion rates of online diversity and inclusion training for new hires within 1 month of onboarding

Q3-2020img-benny-powell-assignee3 control kpi7 Training Completion Rate
50% 150%



Increase diversity index for leadership levels directors and above from 0.1 to 0.25

Annual-2020 increase kpi9 Diversity Index
0.1 0.25 0.17


Increase employee satisfaction survey scores among women from 0.4 to 0.8

Annual-2020img-adams-assignee3 increase kpi10 Employee Satisfaction Survey
0.4 0.8 0.7


#7: Talent Management OKRs

objective icon7Objective

David Griffin

Develop Succession Planning for the Leadership Team


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon7Key Results

Increase the number of managers (project manager and above) having succession planning done from 60% to 90%

Q3-2020img-benny-powell-assignee4 increase kpi11 % of Managers
60% 90% 84%


Enroll 25 candidates( Director and Above) in the leadership development program

Q3-2020img-roger-smith-assignee3 increase kpi12 No. of Candidates
0 25 17


Increase employee satisfaction scores in the monthly succession planning workshops from 70% to 90%

Q3-2020 increase kpi13 Employee satisfaction score
70% 90% 79%


#8: Talent Management Team OKRs

objective icon8Objective

David Griffin

Improve Talent Risk Management


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon8Key Results

Reduce attrition in the top 2 bands from 15% to 5%

Q3-2020img-jack-assignee3 decrease kpi3 Attrition
15% 5% 13%


Increase internal promotion rate from 50% to 75%

Q3-2020img-roger-smith-assignee4 increase kpi14 Internal Promotion Rate
50% 75% 63%


Increase employee NPS score from 5 to 7.5

Annual-2020img-bertram-assignee3 increase kpi15 Employee NPS Score
5 7.5 6.9


#9: Employee Engagement OKRs

objective icon9Objective

David Griffin

Increase Employee Engagement


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon9Key Results

Increase employee satisfaction score from 70% to 90%

Q3-2020 increase kpi16 Employee Engagement
70% 90% 87%


Improve rating from 3 to 4.5

Annual-2020img-roger-smith-assignee5 increase kpi17 Rating
3 4.5 3.7


Increase employee participation in quarterly retreats from 75% to 95%

Q3-2020img-adams-assignee4 increase kpi18 Employee Participation
75% 95% 81%


#10: Talent Acquisition OKRs

objective icon10Objective

David Griffin

Build a First-Class Digital Marketing Team


Target Date: Q3-2020

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon10Key Results

Recruit 4 members for the content team

Q3-2020img-bertram-assignee4 increase kpi19 No. of Team Members
2 6 3


Recruit 5 members for the inbound marketing team

Q3-2020img-benny-powell-assignee5 increase kpi20 No. of team members
3 8 5


15 Team members to get certified in digital marketing

Q3-2020img-alice-assignee4 increase kpi21 No. of team members
0 15 5


Reduce new hire 90-Days failure rate in the digital marketing team from 15% to 5%

Annual-2020img-jack-assignee4 decrease kpi4 New Hire 90-Days Failure Rate
15% 5% 8%


Conclusion’s OKR software provides an intuitive interface to define your HR OKRs and also comes with 300+ predefined KPIs to make OKR adoption easy.

Please also check out our other OKR example pages, Engineering OKRs, Customer Service OKRs, Marketing OKRs, Procurement OKRs, and Sales OKRs.



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