
Category: Telecom Service OKRs, OKR Examples.

The Telecom industry across the world faces significant challenges due to high competitions, technological revamps at very short frequencies and the unceasing customer demands. In this demanding market, an effective way towards growth of specified business goals that addresses telecommunication pain points in a unique way is by adopting new business strategies that can enable business agility.

Nowadays, the telecom industry is no longer considered to be technology centric, rather their performance revolves around successfully implementing strategic goals and executing the promises of sales pitch in an organized way. Also the telecom industry must focus on growth keeping up with the evolving times with the demand and needs of the customer to ensure customer relationship and customer success. In order to achieve Customer satisfaction, it is important to develop marketing intelligence and strategic alignment of goals with innovative promotional ideas to drive business. As a goal-setting software, OKRs are considered to be the most effective strategy framework to align goals and bring transparency at all levels.

Profit.co is an automated OKR software that grows goals 10x faster by encouraging team and department collaboration, tracking progress and helping to identify the root cause of issues that have to be eradicated. With the predefined framework you can start using Profit.co right away to frame objectives and key results for your teams!

Our OKR example series helps users frame specific OKRs for their teams, departments and organization. To our list of OKR example series like Healthcare, Insurance, Engineering, Marketing, IT services and Procurement, we are now adding some examples that would help your goals shaped towards being a leading telecom player.

Framing OKRs with futuristic ideas can help you achieve your moonshot goals within a specific period and help you get ready for bigger challenges.

Objective: Expand 5G Coverage across the country

KR 1 : Increase network speed from 6 Gbps to 10 Gbps (9Gbps to 18 Gbps)

KR 2 : Increase the number of 5G cellular base station from 20 to 40

KR 3 : Achieve high band 5G coverage of 100 million people


David Griffin

Expand 5G Coverage across the country


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon2Key Results

Increase network speed from 6 Gbps to 10 Gbps (9Gbps to 18 Gbps)

Q4-2021 increase-icon3 Network Speed
6 10 9


Increase the number of 5G cellular base station from 20 to 40

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee2 increase-icon4 5G cellular Base Station
20 40 32


Achieve high band 5G coverage of 100 million people

Q4-2021 alice-assignee2 increase-icon5 High Band 5G Coverage
0 100M 34.05M


As a telecommunication organization, you definitely need to support and delight customers in an exceptional way, framing OKRs that help you tackle the demands and the issues at a promised time and can help you consistently power customer experience.

Objective: Delight customers with enhanced MCC (Mobile Cloud Computing) features

KR 1 : Increase data throughput from 5 MB/s to 10MB/s

KR 2 : Increase MCC storage capacity per user from 10Gb to 40Gb

KR 3 : Decrease latency speed from 80 ms to 20 ms


David Griffin

Delight customers with enhanced MCC (Mobile Cloud Computing) features


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon2Key Results

Increase data throughput from 5 MB/s to 10MB/s

Q4-2021 increase-icon3 Data Throughput
5 10 8


Increase MCC storage capacity per user from 10Gb to 40Gb

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee2 increase-icon4 MCC storage capacity
10 40 24


Decrease latency speed from 80 ms to 20 ms

Q4-2021 alice-assignee2 decrease-icon2 Latency Speed
80 ms 20 ms 60 ms


Focus on delivering top notch service performance to ignite results and support your objective with key results that help you reduce RTT delay, increase call rate and reduce downtime due to affected BTSs.

Objective: Deliver Top Notch service performance

KR 1 : Reduce RTT delay from 8000 Ms to 1000 Ms

KR 2 : Increase Call setup success rate (CSSR) from 93% to 100%

KR 3 : Decrease Point of Interconnection (POI) congestion from 0.5% to 0.1%

KR 4 : Reduce the downtime due to Affected BTSs from 2% to 0%


David Griffin

Deliver Top Notch service performance


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon2Key Results

Reduce RTT delay from 8000 Ms to 1000 Ms

Q4-2021 decrease-icon3 RTT Delay
8000 ms 1000 ms 3357 ms


Increase Call setup success rate (CSSR) from 93% to 100%

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee2 increase-icon4 Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR)
93% 100% 97%


Decrease Point of Interconnection (POI) congestion from 0.5% to 0.1%

Q4-2021 alice-assignee2 decrease-icon2 Point of Interconnection (POI) Congestion
0.5% 0.1% 0.35%


Reduce the downtime due to Affected BTSs from 2% to 0%

Q4-2021 alice-assignee2 decrease-icon2 Downtime due to Affected BTSs
2% 0% 1.5%


If you want to accelerate 5G network performance, try building key results that would maintain bandwidth, increase 5G area traffic capacity and the transmission probability rate.

Objective: Accelerate 5G network performance

KR 1 : Maintain bandwidth (Maximum aggregated system)by at least 100 HZ

KR 2 : Increase 5G area traffic capacity from 5Mbps to 8Mbps

KR 3 : Increase successful transmission probability of cognitive device to device communication from 0.95 to 0.98


David Griffin

Accelerate 5G network performance


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Maintain bandwidth (Maximum aggregated system)by at least 100 HZ

Q4-2021 control-kpi-icon1 Bandwidth (Maximum aggregated system)
40 150 86.9


Increase 5G area traffic capacity from 5Mbps to 8Mbps

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 increase-icon2 5G Area Traffic Capacity
5 8 5.9


Increase successful transmission probability of cognitive device to device communication from 0.95 to 0.98

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 increase-icon1 Transmission probability rate
0.95 0.98 0.96


To work on your goal that consists of gaining market share from the competitors you may need key results that increase wireless subscribers market share, revenue market share and minutes market share.

Focusing on such KPI will definitely keep you on track and help you measure Key results effectively.

Objective: Gain market share from the competitors

KR 1 : Increase the wireless subscribers market share to from 35K to 52K

KR 2 : Increase the Revenue Market Share from $2500M to $3500M

KR 3 : Increase the minutes market share from 20 min/hr to 30 min/hr


David Griffin

Gain market share from the competitors


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Increase the wireless subscribers market share to from 35K to 52K

Q4-2021 increase-icon1 Wireless Subscribers Market Share
₹35K ₹52K ₹44.74K


Increase the Revenue Market Share from $2500M to $3500M

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 increase-icon2 Revenue Market Share
$2.5B $3.5B $2.9B


Increase the minutes market share from 20 min/hr to 30 min/hr

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 increase-icon1 Minutes Market Share
20 Min(s) 30 Min(s) 22 Min(s)


Maintaining a capex fund is the vital part of developing the telecom industry and objectives like that can help you actively increase capex revenue ratio, decrease capex per subscriber and maintain capex per site.

Objective: Maintain capex fund efficiently

KR 1 : Increase Capex to Revenue ratio from 35% to 50%

KR 2 : Decrease capex per subscriber from $16 to $12

KR 3 : Maintain capex per site between $80k to 100K


David Griffin

Maintain capex fund efficiently


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Increase Capex to Revenue ratio from 35% to 50%

Q4-2021 increase-icon1 Capex to Revenue ratio
35% 50% 45.5%


Decrease capex per subscriber from $16 to $12

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 decrease-icon2 Capex per Subscriber
$16 $12 $14.24


Maintain capex per site between $80k to 100K

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 increase-icon1 Capex per Site
80K 100K 86.55K


Focusing on finance can help you cope up with cost and expenses effectively and OKRs help you to achieve crucial goals like reducing Opex/Gbyte, total energy costs and reduction in opex and so on.

Objective: Optimize telecom operating cost

KR 1 : Reduce Opex/Gbyte from $2.50 to $1.50

KR 2 : Maintain total energy costs at 40% of total opex

KR 3 : Achieve $60M reduction in Opex through Digital Transformation


David Griffin

Optimize telecom operating cost


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Reduce Opex/Gbyte from $2.50 to $1.50

Q4-2021 decrease-icon1 Opex/Gbyte
$2.5 $1.5 $1.69


Maintain total energy costs at 40% of total opex

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 Control=kpi-icon2 Total Energy Costs
0% 60% 39%


Achieve $60M reduction in Opex through Digital Transformation

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 control-kpi-icon1 Reduction in Opex
$0 $90M $58.92M


Enhancing network service quality is possible only when you have key results that increase subscribers’ call success rate, number of BTS sites nationwide and call drop rate . These kinds of KPIs help you reach long term goals in a shorter period, especially when it is handled with commitment and progression.

Objective: Enhance network service quality

KR 1 : Increase subscribers call success rate from 96.8% to 98.8%

KR 2 : Increase the number of BTS sites nationwide form 5000 to 6500

KR 3 : Decrease the call drop rate from 2.75% to 0.5%


David Griffin

Enhance network service quality


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Increase subscribers call success rate from 96.8% to 98.8%

Q4-2021 increase-icon1 Subscribers Call Success Rate
96.8% 98.8% 98.3%


Increase the number of BTS sites nationwide form 5000 to 6500

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 increase-icon2 Number of BTS Sites Nationwide
5000 6500 5759


Decrease the call drop rate from 2.75% to 0.5%

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 decrease-icon1 Call Drop Rate
2.7% 0.5% 1.9%


Improving network operational efficiency can be achieved with key results that focus on KPIs like MOS, average network response time and mobile switching sites.

Objective: Improve network operational efficiency

KR 1 : Maintain MOS (Mean opinion score) score between 4.3 and 4.5

KR 2 : Decrease average network response time 849ms to 294ms

KR 3 : Increase the number of Mobile switching sites from 20 to 25


David Griffin

Improve network operational efficiency


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Maintain MOS (Mean opinion score) score between 4.3 and 4.5

Q4-2021 control-kpi-icon1 MOS (Mean opinion score)
0 5.5 4.4


Decrease average network response time 849ms to 294ms

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 decrease-icon2 Average Network Response Time
849 ms 294 ms 550 ms


Increase the number of Mobile switching sites from 20 to 25

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 increase-icon1 Mobile Switching Sites
20 25 22


Also, focusing on boosting spectrum efficiency can help you attain spectrum range, busy hour erlangs and other related metrics. So it’s really important that you frame KRs that can possibly align with the objective to yield qualitative and quantitative results.

Objective: Boost Spectrum Efficiency

KR 1 : Increase Spectrum range from 3 MHz to 5 MHz

KR 2 : Increase Subs/Km2 for Urban from 1000 to 2000

KR 3 : Maintain Busy Hour Erlangs carried by at least 4000 per sq km per MHz


David Griffin

Boost Spectrum Efficiency


Target Date: Q4-2021

Visibility: All Employees

key-icon3Key Results

Increase Spectrum range from 3 MHz to 5 MHz

Q4-2021 increase-icon1 Spectrum range
3 5 4


Increase Subs/Km2 for Urban from 1000 to 2000

Q4-2021 roger-smith-assignee4 increase-icon2 Subs/Km2 for Urban
1000 2000 1379.2


Maintain Busy Hour Erlangs carried by at least 4000 per sq km per MHz

Q4-2021 alice-assignee3 control-kpi-icon1 Busy Hour Erlangs
2000 5000 3047


With OKRs you can keep your team focused on goals and can easily track performances to evaluate them profoundly. OKRs enables your team to process the flow of work by regularly injecting the goals of the organization as well as the individuals. OKRs automates your goal-setting process by letting your teams reflect on their priorities with custom weighted key results. With OKRs your organization can look more deeper into results within a specified timeframe and can strive to become high performing organizations. The telecom industry players should definitely use OKRs to get ready to fit in the changing regulations, fast-growing technology and customer demands.

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