Inabia Solution & Consulting

“In our very first quarter we were able to generate revenue, and I would credit Profit.co to that. They helped me keep focus while the business was in the start-up phase.”
About the Customer
OKRs are a powerful goal-setting framework that have helped the smallest of start-ups become industry-leaders, and have helped expansive enterprises achieve full organizational alignment. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries can benefit from using Objectives and Key Results, especially on impactful OKR softwares such as Profit.co.
Inabia, a consulting and services company based in Redmond, Washington, found that OKRs on the Profit.co software were the solution to problems they didn’t even realize they were having, according to Haider Abbas, the Business Development Manager. We had the opportunity to sit down with Haider, and he was able to tell us about Inabia’s experience with OKRs and Profit.co as the company began a new AI venture with a start-up culture.
What is the background of OKRs at Inabia?
Haider was able to share a little bit about how Inabia came to find OKRs. Originally, the fifteen-year-old company was setting goals and aligning the team using a series of whiteboards and spreadsheets. While this did the job, Haider realized that with the new venture into AI, they should have something sleeker and more effective on their hands.
Luckily, Haider was familiar with Intel and Andy Grove’s OKR methodology. After familiarizing himself with the framework, he decided that the team should pursue OKRs to help set their goals and monitor progress. Spreadsheets were too limiting, so Haider decided they should look into using a software for this technology-based management technique.
What was the drive to adopt OKRs?
We were eager to know what exactly drove Inabia to adopt OKRs, and what goals they had in mind when they began with this framework.
Since the new company was focused on AI, Haider felt the team needed to be more focused on executing their strategy, engaging with their goals, and learning from their past actions so they could perform better in the future. Haider shared that, “[OKRs] really kept us focused and organized. That was our main drive for OKR adoption– there’s so much to do in a new company that you’ll forget if you don’t write it down.”
In this start-up culture, Haider and the team used OKRs to focus on what was most important and prioritize their goals.
Why did you choose Profit.co?
Next, we wanted to know why Haider decided that Profit.co was the right software for Inabia and their new AI venture. Haider shared that the owner & president of Inabia knew of Profit.co, and Haider began to look into the software platform.
Haider shared that the team at Profit.co was able to introduce the software step-by-step and walk through the issues that Inabia was facing in their business execution. Inabia’s team was able to identify the problems they were having, and were ultimately convinced that Profit.co’s platform could help them face challenges and achieve their future goals. Haider shared that the team at Profit.co “Explained things to us wonderfully”.
How was the implementation process for OKRs and Profit.co?
The implementation process for both OKRs and Profit.co is approached in different ways depending on a company’s size and their past relationship with OKRs. Haider shared that the team at Profit.co was able to help with the implementation process, and that OKRs and Profit.co have helped answer key questions that help the company execute their strategy better. “We wouldn’t even have a vision of where to go [without Profit.co]…. not only that, but now we have KPIs we model every week. We learn from them what can we do better?, where did we go wrong?, and how we can plan better for the upcoming quarter?”
Haider said that at first, there was some resistance to the new framework. However, that has changed completely, and now the company is dependent on both the OKR framework and on Profit.co. Haider shared, “We have become dependent on Profit.co to do our weekly check ins, plan our quarterly objectives, measure our KPIs and control our KPIs.”
How was your experience with the Profit.co team?
Profit.co aims to provide the best possible support as users navigate our platform and the OKR methodology. We wanted to know how Haider and the team at Inabia felt about their experience with the Profit.co team.
Haider shared that, “We have never experienced such a level of support before.” Haider felt that he was supported throughout the process, and that the customer team is attentive and proactive. Haider shared that people from Profit.co continually reach out to him to check-in. “Without me ever needing to go to them, they are coming to me.”
Have you seen any business outcomes since implementing Profit.co?
OKRs can bring about amazing results. The Profit.co platform aims to help teams see these results even faster. We wanted to know if Inabia has seen any business outcomes since implementing Profit.co.
Haider was able to share that the team has more focus now that they use OKRs on the Profit.co software. They are able to present well to management, and get the pulse on project progress by looking in the software. With Profit.co, the team is able to know what their top goals are, and how much progress they have made towards achieving that goal.
Haider attributes the success of Inabia’s new AI Initiative to Profit.co, “In our very first quarter we were able to generate revenue, and I would credit Profit.co to that, they helped me keep focus while the business was in the start-up phase.”
OKRs and Profit.co have helped Inabia focus their goals and execute strategy within their organization. The OKR framework is a powerful methodology that can work for companies of all sizes and in all industries– and the Profit.co OKR management tool can help you optimize your use of this framework, so you see better results even faster.
Ready to get started? Try Profit.co completely free for thirty days, or book a demo with us to see what OKRs and our software can do for your company.