Engineering OKRs > Improve Localization Footprint

Improve Localization Footprint


In this example, we are going to write an OKR for “Improve Localization Footprint”. This objective might be used if you hope to reach users at a more individualized level, or are looking to expand the range of users your product reaches.

For this objective, you will need to create key results that directly support your goals as a department and a company. In this example, we’ll use the key results:

  • Increase number of languages supported from 5 to 15
  • Ensure 90% of new features are maintained as part of the localization infrastructure
  • Create a localization kit with documented project requirements.

We will begin with increasing the number of languages supported from 5 to 15.

Using the form, title this Key result and select your desired target date. Then, because this is a metric-based key result with a unit we’d like to increase, we’ll select Increase KPI from the drop down menu. Our KPI unit is “languages supported” which we can select using the magnifying glass, or by typing it into the search bar.

You can then assign this key result to another team member, as well as select the frequency with which you would like to complete check-ins. Then, create your key result.

These three key results are specific and not only ensure that this objective will be completed, but also that localization can be further improved in the future. OKRs are not limited to short-term goals that help the organization or product within the quarter: they can act as building blocks that help you reach long-term goals as a company.