Engineering OKRs > Increase Efficiency of QA Processes

Increase Efficiency of QA Processes


In this example, we are going to use the Objective: Increase efficiency of QA processes. QA, or quality assurance, is a vital part of the engineering department’s duties, as well as the company’s success. When products are of great quality, customers are satisfied.

The key results we’ll use for this OKR are:

  • Increase unit test coverage from 75% to 90%
  • Decrease number of high priority bugs in production from 2 to 0
  • Maintain average automation test suite run time at most 15 mins after the build is deployed in production
  • and Improve overall QA Process for a release

Let’s input the first key result- “Increase unit test coverage from 75% to 90%”. Select your target date, or stick with the end-of-quarter default.

Because we have a starting percentage for our test coverage and we are looking to increase it, we’ll select increase KPI from the key result type drop down menu. We can begin typing “Unit test coverage” in the KPI search box here, or select the magnifying glass to browse through all of the Engineering department’s KPIs.

Select unit test coverage, click “add”, and then adjust the parameters to meet your specifications. You have the option to assign this key result to another employee, and then select your desired check-in frequency. Then, create the Key Result.

Now you have a key result that directly impacts your objective to increase the efficiency of quality assurance processes. Here are a few more examples of key results that would be impactful.

These key results will have a major impact on your overall objective, and provide clear numerical or sequential guides to keep you and your team on-track to achieve your target.