How do I check-in for Key Results?
Category: OKRs allows you to report your progress on your key results at different OKR levels.
Why this feature?
- Check-ins allow you to input a metric-related value to measure your Key Result progress.
- It also gives you the chance to indicate your Key Results status (or, how confident you are that you’ll be able to complete it).
- Additionally, you can add comments to provide context for those tracking your KRs.
Step 1
Navigate to OKR from the left navigation panel.
Select the required Key Result and slide the Progress bar of the Key Result to record your progress.
Step 2
A Check-in side panel will open in which you can provide the details for the progress of the Key Result.
- Progress value
- Status of the Key Result
- Comments
Then click Update.
- As you input your actual progress, the system predicts if there are any deviations from your plan it updates the KR status accordingly. Additionally, you have the flexibility to manually update the status if needed.
- You can also perform check-ins using the audio or video option.

Also, you can make progress for any of your Key Results through its view page.
Click on the desired Key result and then click on View Details
In the Key Result overview page, under the Check-in section, click on Check-in.
Record the progress and click Update.
Note: The Timestamp will be visible on the list view page, showing the date and time of your most recent check-in.
Related Answer Post
To know more about how to edit check-in, click here
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