GitHub is an online software development platform. It’s used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects.” GitHub is a for-profit company that offers a cloud-based Git repository hosting service. Essentially, it makes it easier for individuals and teams to use Git for version control and collaboration.
What can you do with and GitHub integrations?
You can track the status of issues/projects in GitHub by integrating with key results and track the progress.
Configure GitHub for
Note: Only Super Users can be able to configure the <> GitHub Integrations.
Step 1
Log in to your GitHub account and generate the access token to integrate with
Step 2
Navigate to Settings from the left navigation panel.
Click on Integrations, On the Connectors page, Select the User Level tab and click on the GitHub Manage button
Step 3
After enabling it, Navigate to Preference from the left navigation panel and select the Integrations tab and select GitHub Manage button to make a connection.
Step 4
Once connected, select the key result for which you want to make the GitHub connection.
Enable the toggle Choose Connection and select GitHub.
Enter your GitHub query to integrate with the key result. Once query is written click on Run.
Once the current value is pulled in from GitHub, Click on Add and click on the check-in slider bubble to pull the value from Pipedrive. Finally, click Check-in.
1. supports Increase, Decrease and Control KPI for the GitHub Integration
2. Once the connection is established and the check-in is done, the progress sync will happen automatically every day at 9 AM local time.