Power Productivity with New Features in Profit.co:

Strategy Execution (OKRs, Strategy, BSC)

  • Owner name while aligning
    Previously, when bottom-up aligning a Key Result (KR) from an individual upwards to a department or the corporate level, only the department icon was displayed to signify the KR’s alignment. Now, both the department name and the individual’s name are shown alongside the KR.

  • Consistent views in My departments
    The Progress and Heatmap views were originally limited to “My Department’s” OKRs, but now they are accessible for “My Department/My team’s OKRs” to enhance stability and facilitate navigation.

  • Associate Objectives in Initiatives
    Profit.co, provides an option for users to associate OKRs directly within the initiative overview page after creating initiatives, which enhances visibility into the alignment between objectives and strategic initiatives.

  • Roadmap named as “Strategy Roadmaps”
    The menu name “Roadmaps” has been changed to “Strategy Roadmaps.”
  • Enhancement in the Control KPI Type
    Previously, the key result creation page displayed the “control KPI” within the KPI-based section. Now, there’s an improvement, instead of showing the name “control KPI,” it displays the value types of the control KPI such as “AT LEAST,” “AT MOST,” and “IN BETWEEN.”
  • PPT slider improvements for KR (UI Enhancement)
    Previously, downloading the PPT slide did not display the progress value. Now, when users download the PPT, it includes the progress value, providing a more comprehensive snapshot of project status and performance.
  • Assigned as Objective with breadcrumb (UI Enhancement)
    When you assign a key result as a KR, the objective name will serve as breadcrumbs. Similarly, now, when you assign a key result as an objective, you’ll see the assigned objective with breadcrumbs.
  • Enable Follow and Check-in Notifications on the Home Page
    When you follow the OKRs of your subordinates, their check-in updates will now appear in the homepage feed, enhancing transparency and keeping you informed of their progress in real-time.

Projects & Tasks (Tasks, PPM)

  • Implementation of Status Option in PPM Module
    Profit.co has implemented a status option in the PPM module settings, enhancing tracking for portfolios, projects, and milestones, thus improving project management efficiency and decision-making processes.
  • Implement Risk/Issues
    Profit.co introduces a dedicated tab for managing risks and issues within projects. Users can seamlessly integrate these elements into their projects, enhancing project management efficiency and ensuring comprehensive oversight of potential challenges and obstacles, thus facilitating proactive resolution and minimizing disruptions.

Employee Performance (PMS, Goals, Development Plans)

  • Separate Period Options for OKRs and Goals (UI Enhancements)
    Previously, OKRs and goals were set based on the current quarter, Now, they will be set according to the timeframe you selected for the last set of OKRs and goals ensuring continuity and consistency in your planning process. This change allows for better alignment and tracking of progress over time, enhancing strategic execution.
    (Only for OKR and Goal Creation Page)
  • HRBP access to initiate IDPs
    This streamlines the process, allowing HRBPs to proactively drive employee growth and performance. By granting this access, HRBPs can efficiently address development needs, aligning talent with organizational goals for enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Toggle Attributes in Goal Creation Popup
    Users now have the ability to enable or disable the Shared Goals feature in settings. By default, this feature is enabled, allowing collaborative goal setting. However, if disabled, users won’t have access to Shared Goals in the goal creation page. This provides flexibility and customization, tailoring the goal-setting experience to individual preferences and needs.

Collaboration (Meetings, Notes)

Notes App

  • Real-time Collaboration
    Real-time collaboration, like Google Docs, enables simultaneous editing, with the names of real-time editors displayed. Additionally, it fosters efficient teamwork.
  • Support Image Upload
    You can upload images to the notes app from your computer or via an image URL link. It enhances the versatility and richness of note-taking experiences.
  • Share Notes
    You can share notes with a message, customize them, and they can also be sent as an email notification. This enhances communication efficiency and ensures recipients are promptly informed.
  • Support color in the doc editor
    In Notes, you have the option to change both the text color and the highlight color, offering greater customization for better organization and visual clarity.
  • O365 2-way sync in the meeting
    If you create any Meetings from our own Profit.co account, it’ll be reflected in your Office 365 Calendar.
    Note: When a user schedules a meeting within Profit.co, it will seamlessly sync with your Office 365. Likewise, if a user sets up a meeting using Office 365, it will automatically reflect in your Profit.co account.

Sync Outlook Calendar Meetings to Profit.co as ‘Busy’

If you enable the “Sync meetings from Outlook Calendar to Profit.co as Busy” toggle, private meetings scheduled in your Outlook Calendar will appear as “Busy” in the Profit.co calendar.
When attempting to view the meeting details, an alert pop-up will indicate that it is a private meeting.

Incorporate Profit Meetings for External Users via Google and Outlook

When scheduling a meeting in Profit.co, it syncs with Google or Outlook calendars. Viewing the meeting in your calendar will provide a direct link to ‘Go to Profit.co Meeting,’ facilitating seamless access to meeting details and enhancing productivity.

User Management System

  • Apps grouping
    The UI has been enhanced by grouping apps.
  • Roles & Privileges Customization
    Roles and responsibilities are categorized as global-specific and app-specific.


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OKR University

Task Management

Behavioral Economics

Change Management